It's much softer than this rainbow one I see on Amazon and does feel very life like. Perfect for practicing oral activities and I suggest a good beginner toy
Just has a rubbery smell sometimes, it's momentary and usually goes away after clean or use.
Kyle 2023-02-12
First impressions is it’s a booty. We all have our preferences on what curves we like and this one is pleasing to me. I might end up looking for something a bit bigger later.
Ali Boyd 2022-07-01
I took a HUGE chance and right as the new year approached, I wanted to try something different. Something that would keep me engaged and not out there messing around. Just ready to chill with all that. So I found this to be a gift to myself and it is worth it! How in the world they mastered the auction feeling is beyond me. But it has a great grip and many settings to chose from, especially once you figure out which one works best for you. Highly recommended.
GD 2022-10-30
You're looking for a rather large model of this type product, than definitely order this one it's not for the faint of heart or beginners. Good quality just a bit larger than MY norm.
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